No Limits but the sky

Hier sind einige Weissheiten die ich im Laufe meines Auslandsaufenthaltes gesammelt habe!

The future opens up before you, like a new book…, waiting for you, to commit to it’s pages. The story only you can write.

To achieve all that is possible, you must attempt the impossible. To be as much as you can be, you must dream of being more. Your dream is the promise of all you can become.

It is in dreaming the greatest dreams…, seeking the highest goals…, that we build the brightest tomorrows. Tomorrows are only todays waiting to happen.

Dreams are the greatest gifts- unwrap your future!

Only as high as I reach can I go, only as far as I seek can I go. Only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.

One dream becomes real… a thousand dreams become possible.

I wish, I wish that I could know, the places I have yet to go, the ways I’ll change, the things I’ll do, the special dreams I’ll make come true. I wish, I whish that I could see, the life that lies ahead of me.

Look your chances in the eye- it’s “you” you have to satisfy! You can never dream too big or set your sights too high! If they say you can’t, if they say you’re not strong enough, if they say no one has ever done it before, you always say… Just watch!

Always laugh as much as possible and cry a little less. Conceive the inconceivable and dare to tell life, “YES!”

The future doesn’t lie ahead of you, waiting to happen. It lies deep inside of you, waiting to discovers. So invite the unexpected. It won’t care if you’re not the perfect host.

My spirit takes flight- I am fearless and free, to express, to explore, to begin… to be me.

Make this your moment- your time in the sun, your chance to do something that you’ve never done. Forget about “should haves” and “might haves” and “could haves.” Reach out and take hold for today!

Maybe good things come to those who wait, but the best things come to those who seize the moment and make it their own.

One foot in front of the other. One dream. One horizon. Don’t stop. One path. Only one who can know it. One you. On your way to the top. There is nothing beyond reach of you.

Follow your dream… take one step at a time and don’t settle for less, just continue climb. Follow your dream… if you stumble, don’t stop and lose sight of our goal, press on to the top. For only on top can we see the whole view, can we see what we’ve done and what we can do, can we then have the vision to seek something new… Press on, and follow your dream.

It is yours the challenge of life… with your heart, hand and mind you hold the power to hold each golden moment, each shining hour into new designs, infinite possibilities.

Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows, but live your todays. Tomorrow belongs to those who fully use today.

Climb high, climb far, your goal the sky, your aim the star. Perseverance is the investment. Success is the return.

To live your life in you own way… to reach for goals you have set for yourself… to be the you that you want to be- that is success. Let success be measured by the happiness in your heart.

Do what you love and it will make your soul rich. Do what you’d do if you knew every dream could come true. When you’re doing what you love, it feels as if you’re flying.

What could be more important in life than to know in our hearts that in everything we have tried to do, we have done our very best.

The courage of conviction, the strength to persevere, the hope that survives disappointment- these are the keys to success.

Success is not a gift- it’s a challenge to use what you’ve achieves. When success finds you, it’s generally because you were looking for it.